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Carrie’s resume

Carrie A. Miles is the author of The Redemption of Love: Rescuing Marriage and Sexuality from the Economics of a Fallen World;  New Man, New Woman, New Life and Face-to-Face.  As executive director and co-founder of Empower International Ministries, Carrie travels throughout Africa and India, helping Christian leaders discover the biblical message of what God intended us to be to each other when He created us as male and female, and how we can reclaim His redemptive purpose in our lives. She holds a doctorate in social and organizational psychology (University of Chicago) and is a non-resident scholar at the Institute for the Studies of Religion at Baylor University in Texas.

20140115_102018_resizedDonell and Carrie with AliceVyara grads with Carrieon boat

Carrie and Rev. Canon Hellen Oneka, New Life seminar in Kampala, Uganda

Carrie and Rev. Canon Hellen Oneka, New Life seminar in Kampala, Uganda